How to Choose a Realtor in St. George, Utah

Any business owner can tell you that who you hire matters. Hiring is an art, a science, and a bit of hope — that everything will work out, that you’re making the right choice. Being a realtor myself, I can honestly say that there are certain agents whom I would rather not work with again. How to Choose a Realtor in St. George, Utah

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Why You Should Film a Video Walkthrough of Your Home in St. George, Utah

There are certain things you come to expect as a homeowner, especially if you have children or pets (or both). You expect that your toddler, who just learned about the magic of markers, will test them out on your white walls. You expect that your dog, whose nails always seem to be a millimeter too Why You Should Film a Video Walkthrough of Your Home in St. George, Utah

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Moving Across the Country: A Southern Utah Story

Hands down, my favorite thing about being a realtor in Southern Utah is the people who come into my life as acquaintances and become dear friends. There is something uniquely humbling about how connected we are to each other and the world at large. This is a story about that connection. If you don’t know, Moving Across the Country: A Southern Utah Story

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How to Shop for a Car in St. George, Utah

I don’t know about you, but I love getting a new car. There’s just something about the energy of driving something different every few years that I thoroughly enjoy. And that’s why I typically lease my vehicles. This year, as my lease was coming to an end, I started car shopping again. I wanted to How to Shop for a Car in St. George, Utah

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3 Home Renovations for St. George Homeowners that Pay for Themselves

Remember back in 2011 when everyone was addicted to Pinterest? Looking back, it’s like it happened overnight. Suddenly, all your friends were fashionistas. Everyone’s kitchen table required only a canister of chalk paint to give it new life. We could make anything in the slow cooker — apple cider, Thanksgiving dinner, gourmet dog food. The 3 Home Renovations for St. George Homeowners that Pay for Themselves

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How to Buy a House in St. George, Utah

Sometimes, I wish helping people buy houses in St. George were more like a sappy Hallmark movie. You know what I’m talking about. Everything would be perfect and predictable. Catherine is moving home for the summer, and what do you know? Her ex still lives in town! They argue vehemently over who’s really responsible for How to Buy a House in St. George, Utah

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Forever Home: A St. George Story

As a realtor in St. George, I hear the phrase “forever home” pretty often, especially from first-time buyers. They tell me that it’s okay if things aren’t perfect because they fully intend to take their equity and move into a “better” house within a few years. Their ultimate goal, of course, is to end up Forever Home: A St. George Story

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Things You Should Know Before Moving to St. George, Utah

Someone from out of town recently asked me if St. George is a “good place to raise a family.” And honestly, it’s hard to answer that with a straightforward yes or no. When it comes to location, everyone has different needs and preferences. The aspects of St. George that appeal to me aren’t necessarily the Things You Should Know Before Moving to St. George, Utah

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Best Neighborhoods St. George Utah

Everybody probably has their own opinions here, but based on your price range, here are my 3 favorite neighborhoods to check out if you’re looking for a deal. As a St. George Realtor, these are my preferences! Low $400,000: In today’s market, that is a great price for a townhome. Cole West is just finishing Best Neighborhoods St. George Utah

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